Taking a Stand Against Cybercrime

Dotcom Cybersecurity was launched in 2020 to help companies achieve actual value, insight, and risk mitigation from their cybersecurity investments. Our business-first philosophy successfully secures medium, large, and global enterprise customers in banking, retail, state-owned enterprises, and other major sectors.

We stake our reputation on trust and collaboration, working with Chief Information Security Officers (CISOs), Chief Information Officers (CIOs), Chief Executive Officers (CEOs), the board, and business owners in sectors including banking, financial services and insurance, technology and telecommunications, the public sector, and manufacturing. Dotcom Cybersecurity is a level 1 BBBEE company, committed to growing South Africa.

Why our Customers Choose Dotcom Cybersecurity


We do business with integrity, from a position of leadership, and excellence.


We cultivate deep knowledge of every customer’s unique business and cybersecurity challenges.


Our people are ethical, knowledgeable, curious, client-centric, and technical-minded.


We deliver value for customers by growing strong partnerships with leading vendors.

Our Partners

Effective cybersecurity is not an island but the result of deploying the best solutions and expertise. Dotcom Cybersecurity actively builds lasting partnerships with the best cybersecurity vendors to ensure excellent value for our customers.


Our Customers

Dozens of medium, large, and multinational enterprises rely on Dotcom Cybersecurity to help manage their cyber risk, develop reliable security strategies and response plans, and support their people with practical expert advice. Our hands-on experience delivers targeted and tailored solutions that dovetail with each customer’s unique requirements. Dotcom Cybersecurity’s clients and customers include major banks, public sector enterprises, and large retailers.

Learn more: request our sector-specific references and client case studies.

Our Leadership

Kurt Ogle

Director Cyber SecOps Security

With a diverse professional background. I initially joined a client’s design department, contributing to the enhancement of their cybersecurity infrastructure. From there, I transitioned into managing endpoint security for multiple clients in a managed services capacity. This experience led me to embrace a role as a cybersecurity consultant. In 2020, I made the decision to embark on a new journey and founded Dotcom Security.

My expertise lies in the technical aspects of cybersecurity, where I possess a deep understanding of the intricacies involved. I prioritise people and employees, recognising that they are the backbone of any successful organisation. Through my career, I have remained committed to delivering exceptional service while fostering a strong employee-focused environment.

Stephan le Roux

Head of Sales and Strategic Partnerships

Stephan has been working within the cybersecurity industry for the last 22 years and is a huge advocate for cybersecurity to become a boardroom topic. Stephan has helped shape the security landscape of South Africa and has played a big part in the setup of various security operations centres in the country. To date, he has worked with some of the largest customers in the SADC region and with a variety of security teams within customers while supporting and enabling some large MSSP providers in Southern Africa.

Sameer Mahomed

Head of Operations

As an accomplished IT professional, I have over 15-years’ experience in the IT industry in various roles including: service desk support, management and now as Head of Operations. Throughout my career, my primary focus has been on empowering individuals to fulfil their functions, with a strong emphasis on delivering exceptional customer service through reliable, robust teamwork.

Cybersecurity Backed by Technology Peers

Excellence doesn’t happen in a vacuum: Dotcom Cybersecurity combines forces with our sister companies to deliver the best solutions and value to each of our customers.

Dotcom Cybersecurity

Dotcom Cybersecurity secures our customers with practical, business-centric solutions and strategies.

Dotcom Product

Dotcom Product develops proprietary build solutions, specifically tailored to meet the unique challenges and requirements of our customers.

Dotcom Shared Services

Dotcom Shared Services provides technology services for our businesses, keeping them agile and innovative.


Restack is a multi-cloud service provider enabling businesses in their cloud modernisation and digital transformation journeys. We provide cloud agnostic advisory and architecture services, as well as specialised Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Alibaba cloud engineering services and migrations.

Boost your Career with Cybersecurity Excellence

The cybersecurity sector overflows with opportunities for growth and professional excellence. Boost your career in this fast-growing industry, apply to join the Dotcom Cybersecurity team today and collaborate with experts, gain actual exposure of enterprise businesses and risk management, and help make the digital world safer.